We Pulled The Worst PvP Military Operation in Space Games History, Empyrion – Botching an Invasion

Luca The Guide
How we botched an invasion by underestimating the environment in Empyrion – the story


Veterans of the half-hour conflict: MoronicMercury, Jexia Galleta, Troten Dawn, Me


  1. I did notice that there's no shields ….Build a base and go for the strongest guys. Hmmmm. Building meaningful firepower takes time!!!!

  2. That looked like a fun invasion! I just started play empyrion and haven't delved into multiplayer yet, this might convince me.

  3. This sounds a lot like something that would happen in real history. Thx for sharing it!

  4. Well, if you're gonna fail, might as well fail spectacularly.

  5. I feel like he has a future in military intelligence

  6. i like this format and the story, nice vid.

  7. There's this thing called scouting a location before you attack…

  8. It seems to me you guys had a decent plan for the assault but you went in with little intel and not enough manpower/logistics. I highly suggest for your next assault to send in a recon team to gather planet and tactical data so you can achieve more with less people. I absolutely loved that you documented this. It felt like a battle documentary and was surprisingly entertaining. But yeah, a recon team could tell you defenses, climate, activity and most importantly, where to touchdown and where to attack.

  9. Worse attack ever. But at least it was funny

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