TOP 10 Really COOL SPACE Games Coming in 2018 & Beyond

We present you our “TOP 10 COOL SPACE Games, Coming in 2018 & Beyond releasing on PS4, Xbox One & PC” ranking list. Hope you enjoy it!

(0:00) #10: Dissolution (Summer 2019/PC)

(1:49) #9: Occupy Mars (2019/PC)

(2:48) #8: Genesis Alpha One (January 2019/PS4, Xbox One & PC)

(4:31) #7: Age of Wonders: Planetfall (2019/PC)

(5:06) #6: Interstellar Prime (Dec 17, 2018/PC)

(5:36) #5: Freeman Star Edge (TBA/PC)

(8:10) #4: Squadron 42 (TBA/PC)

(11:01) #3: Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 (January 2019/ Windows PC)

(12:37) #2: Star Citizen (TBA/PC)

(15:10) #1: Anthem (February 22, 2019/PS4, Xbox One & PC)

Bonus game:
(16:53) X4: Foundations (Nov 30, 2018/PC)

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  1. Anthem number 1? Are you kidding?

  2. Anthem is just another variant of destiny, so its probably going to suck.

  3. I'm surprised anyone includes star citizen in their lists anymore.

  4. This list is made by somebody who has been living under a rock for the last decade.

  5. This list is about as accurate as the news on Fox & Friends.

  6. Yes that is bad and I think that when/if star shitizen ever gets up and running all new players should band up and exterminate the old ! Could give some interest to game play 😂😂

  7. > Anthem
    > Reasonable chance of it being good
    NOT holding my breath for that one.

  8. Star Citizen is on this list, has been on similar lists for the past century, and will be on similar lists for at least a couple more centuries!

  9. "Dissolution (Q4 2018/PC)"

    ??? It clearly says "Summer 2019" at the end of the clip.

  10. I think we all know star citizen will never see the light of day.

  11. This video title is misleading. It should say "Top 10 really cool space games coming in 2018 and in 2050."

  12. Star Citizen in the space games coming in 2018 ?? Muahahahahaha

  13. There's no point even showing the cash grab that is star citizen. That won't be out for years, if ever!!! Roberts is proving himself to be a greedy and useless developer. His last game only got finished when Microsoft stepped in, no doubt this will be the same!!!

  14. Can't I just have a game like Firefly or Freelancer again? Sadness…

  15. Squadron 42 and Star Citizen is basicly the same game. Story mode and open sand box set in the same universe.

  16. Rofl…Squadron 42 and Star Citizen should not be on this list.

  17. Star citizen "SPACE Games Coming in 20XX" every year since 2014 <3 lololol

  18. When are they "EVER" gunna get a space game right,

  19. Squadron 42, the never-arriving singleplayer campaign from the never-arriving multiplayer "game" from Chris Roberts.
    "We have Gary Oldman, Mark Hamill, Mark Strong, that guy who played Stanis Baratheon….. and one day we plan to have a game to put them in. Keep giving us the cash, we're sure we will do it <soon>"

  20. Some of these games are not Space, example Anthem, it does not matter if you are on an alien planet killing aliens, if you do not have a way to access space in the game, and there in space interact with stations, then it is not a Space Game…

  21. Just clicked on the video. I would bet my head that Star Citizen will be on this list.

  22. I really don't get all of the hate for Star Citizen and Squadron 42. Do other early access games get this much hate? I see a lot of people talking about "Scam". Show me where there is a scam. For $45, you get the game and a ship to fly. You have a full sized planet and 7 full sized moons to explore. There are missions you can do, trading, combat both in space and FPS. You can earn currency that allows you to buy ships, weapons, armor and more and none of it requires you to pay additional real world money. Yes you can buy additional ships but it's not required. There 80 flyable ships. I do not work for RSI however, I do stream on Twitch and there is enough content for me to stream 5 nights a week and still have fun. Yes, the game is still in pre-alpha and many things are broken (please look up the definition of pre-alpha and early access). Trolls and haters will call it a scam because that is what they thrive on and that is fine and some of it I understand but to call it a scam is simply foolish. In this day and age do you honestly think it could be a scam and not have one single ex-developer call them out? Watch people play the current game and make up your own mind. And, finally, Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are NOT the same game. One is single player, story driven, campaign style and the other is open multi-world, multi-player in a persistent universe. They share certain aspects but they are two different games. I know I'll get hate for this comment because that is what haters do but everything I've said is verifiable fact. Take it how you will.

  23. @1m58s How can a man on Mars wearing a space helmet have a steaming hot beverage next to him that he's unable to drink?

  24. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw…. come on, how can you miss this one?!

  25. You know why its called Squadron 42? Because it will take 42 years to develop!

  26. haha all these poor console peasants and potato pc bums complaining about star citizen. You won't ever be able to play with us elites. SC is a game for the PC elite with already more content than all other space games combined with next next gen fidelity @ 70-90 fps on my pc beast. Get rekt.

  27. 1:44 – Dissoluton: Stars are before the Moon?? Look at the part that stays in the shadow. This is supposed to be good?

  28. 12:44 – Star Citizen?? But the game release year is 2450… strange…

  29. made a landing moon or mars mission game .i most like

  30. I absolutely love all this hate for Star Citizen… it may take a few more years to actually come out of alpha. but when it does finally hit beta all of you trolls will be buying a game package. then you will be getting blown to shreds by pilots that have been in the game for years…. you wont want to buy a package but you will. shits going to be hilarious. they have made a shit ton of progress in the last year. they finally have all the dev tools created. every couple of months new major parts are updated.

  31. star citizen is still a scam going strong. no game this year not in 2019 not in 2020 not even in 2030 as they.

  32. первое место не космическая игра, не имеет отношения к космосу … X4 занимает минимум топ 3 ….

  33. I dug it till I saw Anthem as #1. Seriously? X4 which is actually a space game isn’t on this list. All I can say is, THAT high????

  34. 1)Anthem isn't Space game ! 2)Star Citisen is much more majestic than any video game ever made!

  35. Dual Universe and Skywanderers are a couple other space games to watch for.

  36. What the fuck is Freeman Star Edge… It looks so fucking oversexed and outdated, like my god.

  37. Squadron 42 beta coming out 2020 not 2018

  38. Part of my brain used to an Intel i5 laptop: Bro don't even watch this you can't run them.
    Other half, that knows that I actually have a decent pc now: 🅱️et.

  39. Genesis Alpha One – that scaming piece of …??
    They released an alpha on steam to catch feedback and have now an exclusive for the epic game store so fuck steam, fuck betatesters.

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