EVE Online I Friendship Machine

CCP Games
Video games are shaping human communication and cultures. At CCP Games we see games as virtual realities. They are about creating experiences unattainable in any other form of media. Virtual reality is about true human interaction and true human emotions in a living and evolving world.

A study of @EVE Online’s player community reveals a place that provides the building blocks for meaningful real-world friendships.

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  1. @ВиталийОвчаренко-и1н says:

    The Friendship Machine in EVE Online refers to the game's ability to forge strong social bonds among players, helping them make friends and establish connections within the game. This sense of community is crucial for player retention and enjoyment. Players can solve problems at different stages of the game by seeking out help and support from others, particularly within corporations where members can offer assistance, advice, resources, and collaborate on common goals. The Friendship Machine fosters a supportive environment where players can rely on each other for help, making the game more engaging and enjoyable.

  2. Here's a ide on How to implement hacking in eve online.Make the hacking passive like the old deus ex and the length of waiting determines the yeald of currency, you make it active it needs to be like a raid hour long mini games (maze traversal or tower defense or reverse tower defense), strong shapes need to choose between ships of modules and hacking stealth modules fragile ships get both, strip stealth makes it harder to detect by players, hacking stealth makes it harder for the internal game system to rat out the players to the players being hacked, at least one mini game or failure state for hacking stealth, if you're caught in hacking stealth you're still in the system and if you can take the bullets and missiles and lasers you can still hack and steal, death holds the same losses.The banks standard detection system in addition to a hacking detection system, it's a popup saying "you are being hacked" for every hack, now I am unsure if the space stations are intractable on the same level as elite dangerous, no man's sky, rodina, or the outer wilds, so if it's not physically intractable remote hacking with the before mentioned mechanics and you stop there, if it is intractable in that manor then, the closer you are to "the central storage unit" the "quicker" and "smother" the hack gose, the methods of defense you run your anti hacking system as usual or you destroy the ship, drone Frigate whatever they use.And the reason newer ships are saved it's because they are lacking the correct technology to be hacked.

  3. been along time since i played internet spaceships. Though i still have my old legion as my user pic on a few places. Though, I am struggling to understand the concept here. Unless CCP is working on a whole new game thats imminently about to release, im confused. Eve Online is the most opposite you can get from "building friendships" in video games. maybe an anarchy minecraft server is the worst, Eve trails very closely behind. A game that advertises itself in trailers based on deceit, "wrecking players dreams", corporate backstabbing and sabotage just doesnt seem like it. Even the whole "go smash rookies in their t1 cruisers" seems counter intuitive. Imagine feeling like you wanted a "connection" only to be dumped into the midst of "i drink your tears" etc.All the stuff that belongs in Eve has its place, but its not a "fun and friendly" place. Thats probably why it hasnt been sunsetted for good. Theres still enough "anarchy" types who want to "wreck their dreams" and not play minecraft

  4. How ironic that this was posted by the developer of a game which a large amount of players spend all day no life dabbling in space virtual politics with people getting so bored they decide to curb stomp new players in an area specifically designed to protect noobs while not lucrative enough for older players to stay for too long

  5. PSST! Can you guys bring back Dust 514?! That was so different!

  6. lol EVE is a spiteful salt machine. not exactly where I'd go if I was lonely lol

  7. I love EVE online, I’ve been loving it for 10 years

  8. Eve has the most cancer community ever, you're better alone lol

  9. SOOO Oldschool and nice 😀 "to know more, contact us now" 😀

  10. It's time for a game reset on some level or perhaps a fresh new server. Just my 2 cents.

  11. Can we please have our best shooter ever made back ffs?

  12. I don't understand, why do you need new players? There is no support, it is impossible to pay. CCP, you're stupid!!!

  13. CCP Everything would be fine, but there is one BUT … I have money, but there is no way to freely buy omega and plexes … It's not my fault that some politicians are playing war and because of this I cannot freely buy omega. .. Why should I find ways to pay for the omega? Or is CCP so rich that he doesn't want my money? And after all, like me,

    who want to buy omega directly, easily and simply .. there are many thousands of them, a whole region .. By the way, didn’t you think that this difficulty in paying for omega officially contributes to the growth of RMT?

  14. patting yourselves on the back, CCP?
    you're like that company that gives itself an award and then advertises it like its real.

  15. I miss CCP Guard. Every time you guys use his Friendship reference, I remember he's not there anymore.

  16. friendship are disappearing they are quitting from game…well done CCP

  17. I actually met my IRL best friend on EVE

  18. Thought it was a parody, then they quoted the World Health Organization…….so it's just satire then.

  19. Greetings fellow humans, This game is truly a masterpiece. Sadly well for me it is sad that so few human players play this game.
    I guese its too complicated for most. I mean in this game you have to use rationality and logic and foremost even creativity.
    In this game what is important is not body mass but brain/mind mass when i say mass i mean mind IQ.

    I dont want to sound lilke some type of genetist but genetics do play a big role in human intelligence at least that is what i learned from playing this game.

    One more thing i want to say is that i dont understand why dont people learn to play this amazing game, i think its becuase people have too short attention spam and they hate to read as that is just my normal opinion on this topic.

    Todays gaming is all about killing well that is at least my view on the gaming market. In Eve Online you can become a trader or this or that its almost like if CCP well created one of the best scientific sc fiction in all of human history.
    I wonder or my advice to CCP is to write books of the world of Eve online or make a seriel or some super cool film to get people interested in intellectual material.

    Thank you for making this masterpiece and im now thinking of playing again.

    I mean today a good player i mean a interesting person can make money by playing a game and teaching how the game functions and in case of your CCP game called Eve online they can learn how economy or politics and hencefourth works and well sometimes im confused why only 100k subs your channel has and how come at max that i seen was just 20k players and so fourth.

    With good regards, John

  20. all EVE did for me was rob me of 8 years of prime social life – and I regret that. Forget games kids, get out and see the real world, meet real people.

  21. I remember autumn 2010 or 2011, Moscow, big redbeard ccp developer, beer and i. I was translating russian speak to english. Thank you, it was wonderful

  22. internet freidns are not real you absolute muppets! this is one of the whole reason for the problem! lol you guys are totally braindead! also didnt you sell yourself to korea? gtfo!

  23. well when you sub cost 20$ vs the 15$ it use to be you are going backwards

  24. I never made a meaningful relationship with anyone in eve. I engaged with barely anyone since I created my account in 2006. This video is total bullshit. I am certain over 75% of people that try eve never make any connection, muddle through the game alone, are mostly ignored by the big alliances – and consequently soon quit playing.

    A small minority of players who heavily throw wads of money ("#play-to-win") at the game, obsessively play several hours a day, toadie u[p to the big alliances come to engage and socialize with actual people in-game. This is a characteristic 'survivor fallacy" aspect of the game – those <10% left playing the game after a year do in fa(c)t end up socializing, the rest has long since drifted off to more engaging games.

    Evr Online is one of the most elegant, beautiful games out there but CLEARLY it has been designed by ruthless game designers, a ruthless corporatist hierarchy in the real world, favoring a play demographic with certain … behavioral obsessiveness and interpersonal pathologies. And yes, THOSE birds of that feather do flock together. Eventually.

  25. It's true. That is why we need more people to play it and not less people 🙁

  26. Unfortunately I move games too often to have anything meaningful. Eve is one of the only games I keep coming back to but it's only for a few months every other year

  27. Lmao the last players I met in EvE told me about his army of alts and how much time he spent playing alone, to manage all those PI.

    Maybe start putting effort in game design focusing character per player instead of large corps made by alts and whales injecting plex.

    Also when my friend and I finally went null in a big corp and asked around someone to stand by in FAX so we could mine using Rorquals the answer we got was "make an alt and inject skills until you can fly one, duh uh"… so yeah…. multiplayer my ass.

  28. Lmao CCP destroyed all my friendships when they did jackshit but ruin the game for the last 4 years

  29. I quit because of a grief exploit that the GM's refused to deal with. How can my ship be destroyed when I have already docked? I spent 6 hours collecting items I had bought in 3 zones and delivered them to my final location. I docked and then failed to load, 3 minutes later I was disconnected. I get back and everything is gone. The GM's did literally nothing. This was the 2nd time it happened. That's not acceptable. I got nothing back. It's digital items to them and they did nothing. I have never been back.

    So many thing you guys do wrong. I applied for a job when you guys bought White Wolf. I laid out parts of my plans that would increase your profits 3-fold. The person that was in charge of the White Wolf "department" said "Your hired" "Now tell me all the details". I said send me my contract, then I will. He said "No, you are hired, tell me now". I tried 4 more times to get a contract first, but he just gave me the run around. You lost so much by that person trying to rip me of and not hiring me.

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